The Meal Every Great Leader Serves

meal“The best minute you spend is the one you invest in people”               Ken Blanchard, The New One Minute Manager

Someone with great insight into the dynamics of delivering legendary customer service said, “ If you don’t feed your staff, they’ll eat your customers.” You’ll be nourishing hungry staff when you serve up ample helpings of your kind, soul- satisfying attention. Here’s the 3 part recipe:

1. Be visible. – Sometimes this can be called MBWA (Management By Wandering Around), but if the goal is to build up your staff, don’t think of this as “Management.” See this as a regular friendly walk-through of your operation that shows your interest in people and your desire to be available. Your congenial passing through  will be noticed and appreciated by most, particularly if you make a connection with each person. So, as you walk through, add this second flavorful ingredient of the recipe.

2. Initiate greetings. – By being the initiator of a greeting with every person you work with as well as customers you meet along the way, you accomplish three things. First, you demonstrate your own personal confidence by being out of your office. Second, you send each person you greet a message that you care. Finally, you model a style of relating that your staff can see and learn from. The  effectiveness of your visit will be particularly satisfying if you add this final ingredient.

3. Know your people.– You’ll put real meaning to each walk-through when you show interest in job satisfaction, problems and even personal passions. Look for ways that you can affirm and assist them in each of these areas. After your journey make some notes so that you’ll be able to follow-up.

Serve this 3-part meal regularly and  every person you connect with is likely to not only feel well-fed, but also, to be much more likely to do the same for one-another and your customers.

“If you’re not serving the customer, your job is to be serving someone who is.”  Jan Carlzon, Moments of Truth