“If you’re not serving the customer, your job is to be serving someone who is.” Jan Carlzon, Moments of Truth
If you understand the relational dynamics of team building, you know that if you don’t feed your staff, they’ll eat the customers. Worse yet, they’ll also turn on one another, and eventually they’ll devour you. So, of course, you want to assure that your team members are well fed and have a zeal for serving, not attacking. Here are 3 easy steps to nourish your team:
Step 1. Get up and get out. Take this literally. Stand up and walk out among your team. This is similar to classic MBWA, Management By Wandering Around, but the primary goal here is to feed your team members, not to manage them. See this walk-around as a regular opportunity to show your interest in them and your availability to them. Your passing through will be even more appreciated if you add step 2.
Step 2. Greet each person. Be the initiator of a greeting with every person on your team. You will, not only, send each one a message that you care, but you will also, model a proactive style of full-team coverage that your staff can learn from. Each greeting will be particularly satisfying if you build in step 3.
Step 3. Connect personally. You’ll put real connection power in each greeting when you listen well. Listen for frustrations, accomplishments and ask about personal interests. Follow up on your previous conversations with each person. Look for ways that you can affirm and assist them. After your visits, make notes so that you’ll be able to follow-up during a future visit.
Take these 3-steps daily and you’re likely to see…
… a stronger more productive team.
… others following your model.
… the need for fewer formal meetings.
As a bonus, expect to hear expressions of appreciation for your leadership from your well-fed staff.
“The best minute you spend is the one you invest in people” Ken Blanchard, Legendary Service & The New One Minute Manager